How To Unlock the Doors Without Pressing the Remote – Mitsubishi Outlander

On the driver’s door, there is a little black button, if you press this it should lock / unlock your Mitsubishi Outlander without needing to use the key fob!

It must have been weeks after I bought my Outlander before I discovered that you can actually unlock and open the doors without having to physically press the remote key fob! If you are still wondering about this let me explain.

How To

  1. Approach your Outlander with key in your pocket
  2. Press the black micro switch on the door handle (picture above)
  3. Pull the handle to open the door!

Not Working?

I find that occasionally the system will not lock / unlock my car. Usually this seems to be caused by the presence of my phone (possibly) interfering with the key fob’s wireless system.

Alternatively, if the battery in your key fob is low (you will be warned about this on the car dashboard) then the system may struggle to work.

Unlocking the Mystery

The key

In days of old, cars were unlocked with a car key – a metal wand, capable of unleashing the mysterious powers of door unlocking. Brave knights and adventurers had to physically insert this enchanted key into the car’s keyhole, twist it just right, and voilà, the doors would unlock!

The Fob

Lo and behold, technology marched forward, and the kingdom witnessed the rise of the remote control! A small, magical device called a “key fob” was bestowed upon the knights. With the mere press of a button, a beam of mystical signals would shoot forth from the key fob, magically disarming the car’s defences. The car doors would unlock as if by wizardry, leaving people in awe and wonder.

Keyless Entry

As time passed, the wizards of technology continued their quest for convenience. They introduced the keyless entry, an enchantment that allowed the knights to merely approach their car, the doors would unlock with the subtlest of presses on the discreet black button embedded in the handle. The key fob stayed snug in their pockets, and the car, recognizing its true master, welcomed them with open locks, and wing mirrors that swung open like a barn door in a storm.

Before You Go…

Check out these other corkers…

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